培根曾經講過:知識就是力量。(Knowledge is power.)
國安法壓港,現實一點想,若有透過互聯網維生的能力,或許可以做一個digital nomad,也不用像許多沒有BNO的人一樣,擔心如何移民。
Photo by Kyle Glenn on Unsplash
適齡上學後,同學之間總會談論一件事,你有沒有去做IQ Test啊?
我自己也有問過爸爸媽媽,我曾經有做過智力測試嗎?媽媽說,沒有啊,很重要嗎? IQ測試標準嗎?
我聽後總覺得有些惘然若失,我有些同學做了IQ Test, IQ分數是13X,是資優的呢!
不知道從何時開始,我刻意不理自己天生聰慧與否。因為我明白,天生聰明與否,是不能改變的。There’s nothing more stupid than to try to control and dwell on the uncontrollables.
Work as if you were mediocre
所以就算我知道我語文天分或許比別人高,there’s not a day that passes by when I do not work hard to hone my craft. 我從沒一天放輕鬆,不學習語文;我沒有一天放鬆不寫作。
I work as if I were mediocre. I refuse to be outworked.
我不知道這種refuse to be outworked的心態,可否讓我成為最傑出的人,但我知道比誰都要努力,是成為最傑出的人的necessary but not sufficient condition。
The key with me is, no one will outwork me. No one. I love and respect you guys, you motherf*ckers won’t outwork me. All starts with this. Two hands, putting in the work. You cannot erase the work ethic part. There is no getting around. Ain’t no elevator to the top, you got to take the stairs. The elevator don’t go to the top man. Not in the world of success. You gotta take the stairs. Y’all gotta start getting gritty man. I hate it when I see young people wasting their time, wasting all this technology they got, just sitting around in this world that’s been created for you, and everything is instant. But if you could combine your technology with your parents and your grand parents work ethic, you could be rich man. Just ask yourself this week, do people know you for your work ethic? Are people like, man you work hard? Are people actually commenting about you showing up early and staying late? Cause if they’re not, you’re just blending in with everybody else’s work ethic. At the end of the day, talent will not win the game. It is work ethic that will win the game. You gotta get gritty man. You gotta develop some dog in you. You got to get messed up sometimes. You gotta get dirty, you gotta get your feelings hurt, you gotta get disappointed, you gotta get told no, but in order to get the life of convenience, you gotta have a very uncomfortable life. You got to get comfortable being uncomfortable. And you’re always gonna have haters, and haters are like, “Well, damn man, how much sh*t are you gonna do? Like you do a lot of sh*t.” I say yes. It’s my ambition. Of course. You gotta work everyday Doesn’t end. And when sh*t goes bad and it goes sideways, or you coming through this injury, or people are writing you off, it should drive you. If you gonna get it, you gonna have to have that dog. You got an opportunity, so here’s the deal, when you have an opportunity, why would you give 80%, 70%? Why wouldn’t you always give 120%? From today on, you play whatever your best game is, you play that level every single time. Every time you practice you don’t care what the circumstance is, what the situation is, every single time, you giving 120%. It doesn’t mean you’re gonna score every time, but you can always give 120% effort.